Meet The Team

Harness racing requires a unique set of skills and attributes in horses, and our team is well-versed in identifying, training, and nurturing these talents. Whether it’s speed, endurance, or the ability to maintain a steady and efficient gait, our experienced trainers work tirelessly to develop the natural abilities of each horse, ensuring they reach their full potential on the racetrack.

Jacqueline Forte-Filion


Henri Filion Jr.



Martin Lachance


Pat Lachance


John MacDonald


Similarly, when it comes to riding, our team recognizes the importance of well-trained horses that can provide a safe and enjoyable experience for riders of all levels. From beginners learning the basics of horsemanship to advanced riders looking to compete in various disciplines, we take pride in matching riders with horses that are not only skilled but also compatible in terms of temperament and rideability.

Fern Pacquet

Driver/Trainer/Professional Shipper

Stephan Bouchard


Luanne Beeson


Sylvain Bergeron


To maintain the highest standards of quality, our team meticulously selects and evaluates horses based on various criteria, including conformation, athleticism, soundness, and trainability. We utilize a combination of traditional training methods and modern techniques to ensure that each horse receives the individual attention and specialized training necessary to excel in their respective disciplines.

James Eugene

Handyman Extraordinaire/ Virtual Assistant/Groom in Training

Furthermore, our commitment to excellence extends beyond the training process. We take great care in providing our horses with a nurturing and healthy environment, including proper nutrition, regular veterinary care, and ample opportunities for exercise and socialization.

Carlos Borges

Shipper/Turn Out Pro

Our team is dedicated to delivering top-quality trained horses for harness racing and riding. With our expertise, passion for horses, and commitment to excellence, we strive to help riders and owners achieve their goals and create lasting partnerships between humans and these majestic animals.